Original 1937 Foreword

Original Foreword

On numerous instances in the past, occasions have arisen when data of an historical nature connected with the growth of Broad Ripple Lodge were desired. This information, not being readily available, has, therefore, been difficult to secure.

Brother Elmer Tridle, Worshipful Master during 1936, conceived the idea of compiling a History of our Lodge that it might meet a long felt need and, at the same time, acquaint the membership with the story of the outstanding developments in the life of our institution. The presentation which follows, representing the fruition of his idea, treats each year as a unit of two sections. The first presents the biography of each Worshipful Master, while the second treats the historical events of his administration.

That this work may serve its purpose to best advantage, it is being presented in loose-leaf form with the idea that it will be perpetually maintained. To this end it is recommended that an historical committee be appointed, annually, to add the information for that year. Thus will be perpetuated for posterity those facts which shall stand as a monument to those who have wrought so faithfully and energetically “on the Temple”.

We wish to acknowledge with gratitude the valuable assistance given us by our Past Masters, Brother Elmer Watts, and Mr. Frank McCaslin in securing photographs and supplying us with pertinent data used in the compilation of this History.

In the preparation of this thumb-nail sketch of Broad Ripple Lodge’s History, your committee has been confronted with difficulties of considerable proportions. The information and photographs have been secured only after considerable effort and with the assistance of others not on the committee. Any omissions or errors which may occur in the text, if there be such, the authors beg consideration in the light of the meager data at its disposal.

Respectfully submitted this 17th day of December 1937,

G. Albert Lehman, P.M., Chairman
Edw. M. R. Howe, P.M.
John L. Compton
Floyd D. Wright
Guido E. Schloot
(Historical Committee)