Broad Ripple Lodge #643 is one of the youngest and most active Lodges in the Indianapolis area. Our officer line consists of brothers in the range of mid-twenties to mid-fifties years of age with healthy past master attendance and support. We have about 150 members total with a strong 30-40+ active members. We meet on the second Thursday of each month for our ‘Stated’ business meeting with dinner served beforehand at 6:30pm. However, our Lodge is active on just about every Thursday with degree work, as well as social and charitable events. We host a variety of events throughout the year for our members, family and friends including but not limited to a Valentine’s dinner, Independence Day picnic / Blood Drive, Ronald McDonald House meal serving, Family Fall Festival, and Team Building Retreat. We also take an annual trip down to Madison, IN to do a degree in the first Grand Lodge of Indiana, Schofield House.
Whether you are just starting out as a man in your 20’s looking for active fraternal fellowship- or a distinguished gentleman of age seeking Masonic wisdom- consider this Lodge a great opportunity for building character in yourself and the community. To find out more about our lodge please feel to read some of the articles on https://brlodge.org and check us out on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/brlodge643. If you have any further questions please let us know.
Dinner is served @ 6:30pm
Business meeting @ 7:15pm
We look forward to meeting you soon!