Brother Donald Crosby Seeley, the ninety-fourth Master of Broad Ripple Lodge, was born in 1949, in Michigan City, Indiana, to Clyde M. and Helen Frances Seeley (both deceased). Wife Nancy, Stepson Jeff Barth, Daughter Tatiana Christina Maria Seeley. Early years in Michigan City. Moved to Indianapolis in 1945.
Lived at 3446 Guilford Avenue until 1954. Attended Public School #76 at 30th and Fall Creek Parkway through all 8 elementary grades. Attended Broad Ripple High School beginning in mid-term 1954.
Moved to 4020 N. Centennial Avenue Indianapolis in June 1954. Continued at BRHS until North Central opened in fall 1956. Member of First class to graduate in 1958. Attended Indiana University Bloomington for 1 year. Partied my brains out. Rode for Sigma Pi Fraternity (IU charter pulled several years ago) in 1959 Little 500 Bicycle Race.
Received military draft notice in fall 1959. Joined U.S. Army in 1960. Served in U.S. Army Security Agency three years, two overseas stationed in Berlin and Nuremberg, Germany.
Member of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Indianapolis. Lay Reader, Minister of Communion, Eucharistic Visitor (home communion to shut-ins), small group bible study leader etc.
Currently employed by RCI. Until 2005, was employed by PEN Products, Prison Industries Division of Indiana Department of Correction for 9 1/2 years. Earlier career in broadcasting and advertising. Fairbanks Broadcasting 12 years, in sales and sales management for WIBC, WNAP, KVIL (Dallas), WVBF (Boston), WIBG (Philadelphia).
Account Executive for Seven Up of Indiana (Carlson and Company Advertising). Owned and operated advertising business for 5 years and operated as a freelance advertising and marketing consultant for several more.
Initiated as an Entered Apprentice May 1984, Passed to Fellow Craft May 1984, and Raised to Sublime Degree of Master Mason May 1984 at Centre Lodge #23, Indianapolis. Attained 32nd Degree of Scottish Rite Masonry November 1984 and joined Murat Shrine in December 1984.
Began in Officers Line at Centre Lodge in 1984, rising to Junior Warden before moving to Los Angeles. Returned to Indianapolis (after several other moves) in 1994. Transferred to Broad Ripple Lodge in 1994. Served as Senior Warden in 1995 and Worshipful Master in 1996, Craft Director 1995-2002, Secretary in 1999, Chaplain 2000-2004. No awards or honors. No other Masonic bodies.
Lodge Events of 1996
As WM I oversaw completion of the then new kitchen (I still say it’s backwards), bought and installed dishwasher, automatic coffee station, reorganized dining area into its current basic configuration, hosted Feast of Sts. John, raised first Master Mason (Brother Tom Welch) in November 1996. Changed Stated Meeting night to first Thursday of the month which was later changed back to Friday and then later again to second Thursday after my year was completed. The Lodge received Grand Master’s Award with High Distinction but the certificate never arrived.
This ought to be enough history to bore nearly anyone. I will add that I am honored to have raised somewhere close to thirty men to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason over the years. My gifts are in ritual performance and teaching. I still enjoy doing what I can to help in that area.