Marion A. Klusmann was born November 2, 1888, in a home at the corner of 19th and Bellefontaine Streets, Indianapolis. Marion was the only son of Louis and Susan Klusmann, both of whom were of direct German descent.

He attended the Indianapolis common schools Nos. 29 and. 27 and, after graduation, entered Shortridge High School from which he graduated in 1907. During and immediately following his school days, he worked at the electrical construction business and, in 1916, became an electrical contractor.

At the age of eighteen years, he moved to California where his early manhood was spent. On July 25, 1912, he was united in Marriage to Carrie Dittman (a former Indianapolis girl) at Los Angeles, California. Of this union, one child was born, Fred L. Klusmann.

In November 1916, Marion returned to Indianapolis where he engaged in the electrical contracting business until the year 1934 when he retired to supervise and manage his personal investments and holdings.

In September of 1924, Brother Klusmann received the first three degrees of Masonry in Centre Lodge No. 23, Indianapolis. In March of 1925, he received his Scottish Rite degrees and immediately thereafter was initiated into Murat Temple Shrine. In 1927, he was accepted into Sahara Grotto of Indianapolis. At the August Stated meeting in 1928, he was elected to membership in Broad Ripple Lodge by transfer of membership from Centre Lodge No. 23 and immediately became active in the affairs of the Lodge.

Later, in the year 1928, Marion was initiated into the order of Eastern Star and the following year received the Royal Arch degrees in Broad Ripple Chapters No. 315 and 146, respectively. In 1931 he was appointed to the office of Senior Steward and after serving under only four different masters, was elected to the office of Worshipful Master for the year 1935. Brother Klusmann, throughout his years of service to Broad Ripple Lodge established for himself an enviable reputation not only as an excellent ritualist, but also as a true and sincere Mason.

Lodge Events of 1935

The year 1935 was an active one from several angles but particularly from the maintenance point of view. The economic picture having cleared up considerably and with a much brighter outlook in evidence than had previously prevailed during the gloomy three years preceding, the Lodge set about to make some much needed repairs and improvements.

The heating unit had reached the age when it could not be depended upon and in addition, presented a serious hazard. It was decided after considerable investigation, to replace the old boiler with a new one and purchase an automatic stoker to function in connection therewith. This equipment was installed and gave excellent service and materially reduced our fuel expenditures. New air vents were also purchased and installed as part of our heating system.

A cement sidewalk was constructed on the south side of the Temple and extending from the alleyway to the front entrance of the building. This walk was greatly appreciated by our Brethren and guests, particularly on rainy nights.

The dining room was also cleaned and redecorated the work having been completed just prior to Past Masters Night so that it presented a beautiful appearance on that occasion. Three new hats for the Worshipful Master were purchased to lend dignity to the regalia of that officer.

The Ladies of the O.E.S. Auxiliary presented the Lodge with a check for $50.00 and the Jobs Daughters one for $5.00, an exact duplicate of their generosity for the previous two years.

Through the efforts of our Worshipful Master and the Masonic Home Committee, permission was secured from the Home Trustees admitting Brother Ross H. Whitinger to the Masonic Home at Franklin, Indiana, where he was subsequently registered.

Heretofore the payment of our insurance premiums was so arranged that different amounts fell due in successive years. This fact meant that during some years the outlay was very small and in others exceedingly heavy. Realizing the benefits to be derived from an even distribution of such a heavy item of expense, arrangements were made that resulted in identical amounts falling due each year.

The year was closed with a beautiful memorial service in memory of those who had passed into the “Grand Lodge Above” during the year. The service was conceived and written by the Worshipful Master and was so impressive and lasting that the Brethren later voted that such a memorial service be held annually.

The members added in 1935 were:

By degrees:

Newby D. Apple Howard H. Bates Chas. A. Beedle
Harry J. Bobinmyer Floyd W. Burns Tyrrell G. Estep
Clarence O. Goldrick Saul C. Koby Louis W. Smith
Horace F. Weakley Clare F. Gater

By affiliation:

Harold Nicholson