Webster R. Wright, twelfth Master of Broad Ripple Lodge, son of Warren D.C. and Cynthia A. Wright, was born on the old Thomas Jefferson Wright homestead in Washington Township, Marion County, Indiana. Two brothers completed this happy family, Wilbur T., a twin brother, and Floyd D., both of whom also became active members of our Lodge.
The father moved to the Sarah Gerrard farm when Webster was still a boy and it was here that he spent most of his early life. He attended school at old Number Six, a frame structure now [1937] serving as a garage on East 46th Street. Later the second Number Six, a new two-story frame building, was built and which he attended under the tutelage of Geo. T. Blue who had a marked influence on his future life. As a boy, he worked on the farm and, following the completion of his common school studies, entered Broad Ripple High School. It was here that he met Arthur Jackson and John B. Hessong and the three became fast friends. It is an interesting fact that each of these were in later life elected to the office of Worshipful Master of Broad Ripple Lodge. While Webster did not complete his high school work, he later studied a six months course in general business training.
The major part of his adult life was spent within and in the vicinity of Broad Ripple, where farming, painting, milling, salesmanship, mechanical work, carpentering, and contracting were followed as occupations. He was active in various other outside activities among which may be named the following: clerk and inspector on election board, precinct committeeman, councilman and superintendent of the Ebenezer Lutheran Church School. In addition, he served as Sentinel of Broad Ripple Chapter O.E.S. and was Worthy Patron in 1916 and 1918.
Brother Wright was initiated on October 13, 1905; passed, December 1, 1905; and raised January 12, 1906, in Broad Ripple Lodge. He was also a member of Broad Ripple Chapter No. 146, R.A.M.; Indianapolis Council No. 2, R.S.M.; and Broad Ripple Chapter No. 315, O.E.S. Webster always took a serious and conscientious interest in everything Masonic and as a reward for his faithfulness was elected Master of this Lodge which office he held during the year 1915.
Lodge Events of 1915
The year 1915 provided several events and incidents of particular interest. The kitchen was deemed too small and following some discussion was enlarged to its present [1937] size. A contract for lighting service having been entered into with the Merchants Heat & Light Co. of Indianapolis, the power line previously serving the temple from the interurban power station at Sixty-Fourth and College Avenue was sold to the Indianapolis Co. The money realized from this transaction was used to purchase the twin gas ranges, still [again, 1937] in use, as well as the installation of china closets for the housing of dishes. These constituted major improvements in our kitchen equipment and provided much needed facilities for all future banquets. Later, other maintenance repairs were made to the building.
Previous to this year, the preparation and serving of the banquets was carried on by the members themselves. It was during this year that the custom of having the ladies help and serve the suppers was inaugurated, which plan has prevailed since that time.
One of the unusual points of the year’s work was that among those Raised to the Sublime Degree were five who later became Worshipful Masters and four who served as High Priests in Broad Ripple Lodge and Chapter, respectively. In addition the new members added to the roll at that time included Fred T. Brown, our present Treasurer, and Floyd D. Wright, our Secretary.
The Secretary’s salary was increased from twenty-four to thirty-six dollars per year. The Lodge, acting upon the decision of the Grand Lodge with respect to jurisdictional infringement, authorized its Past Masters to secure the names of all candidates illegally secured in our territory by other Lodges and take the action necessary to recover the fees rightfully ours.
The annual Charity Supper was held in December and, at about the same time, the Lodge paid five hundred dollars toward the reduction of its indebtedness.
Truly the year 1915 was an important and active one for Broad Ripple Lodge.
Those raised in 1915:
Fred T. Brown | Harold B. Bryant | Curtis E. Burke |
Edward M. Chavers | Alexander Clark | Chas. McK. Dawson |
Chas. E. Fuson | Omer Gillaspy | David W. Goldrick |
Fay Jackson | Wilfred W. McCain | James A. Mitchell |
James T. Moffitt | Ross A. Moore | John P. Parker |
Robert Peacock | Henry Peters | Frank Rinkard |
Oscar Paul Roetter | Raymond H. Stenger | Nelson F. Sumner |
Russell G. Sumner | Floyd D. Wright |
Those affiliated in 1915:
Chas. L. Bowman | Henry C. Mitchell | James West |