Edward Mortimer Richinson Howe, the fifth Master of Broad Ripple Lodge was born January 23, 1872 at Madison, Indiana, the son of Oscar and America Butler Howe. He had one brother, Sylvanus Howe and two sisters, Elizabeth and Abby L. Howe. His early life was spent at Madison, Indiana, Cincinnati, Ohio, and in Crawford County, Illinois. His schooling was secured at all the above named places, but the major part was obtained in a country log schoolhouse in the above named County, known as Biggs school. He never attended high school, but did carry some high school work the last two years in Biggs school. At the age of 18, he moved to Indianapolis, and served three years as an apprentice machinist which trade he followed for 19 years. Following this, he was engaged at various occupations, namely, manager of Green City Boat Co., night foreman of the Merchant Auto Co., owner and operator of a thirty passenger boat on White River, served in the capacity of Justice of the Peace of Washington township, Marion County, Ind., for 4 years. He then became associated with Broad Ripple Park Amusement Resort and served in various positions over a period of ten years from ride operator to treasurer of this company. He was later custodian of Broad Ripple Lodge, No. 643, F. & A.M. On October 20, 1897, he was married to Miss Mary F. Huffman who, after 25 years of married life, died on Nov. 12, 1922, leaving no children to survive her. On November 9, 1924 he was united in marriage to Martha B. Brown.
He became affiliated with the Broad Ripple Christian Church in 1924. He was a member of the Royal Arch, Scottish Rite and Shrine and, while he later discontinued membership in those bodies, he held fast to his Blue Lodge affiliations.
He was initiated into Broad Ripple Lodge, No. 643, F. & A.M., April 10, 1903, passed May 1, 1903 and Raised May 15, 1903. He served as Worshipful Master of his Lodge in the year of 1907. It was during his administration of the affairs of this Lodge that he had the pleasure of appointing a building Committee to assist in the formulation of plans culminating in the erection of our present Masonic Temple.
Brother Howe considered as one of the most pleasurable and gratifying events of his life to be the commission he received from the Grand Lodge of the State of Indiana to lay the cornerstone of our beautiful 1907 Temple.
Lodge Events of 1907
The year nineteen hundred and seven was one filled with intense activity. The Temple site having been purchased, the building committee worked feverishly to complete all arrangements incident to the erection of the new Temple.
It was during this year that the By-Laws were changed so that Stated meetings were scheduled to open at 7:30 P.M. on the first Friday of each month with the exception of the months of May, June, and July when the sessions were to start at 8:00 P.M.
So well did the Building Committee perform its duties that by August 3rd, the corner stone of the new Temple was laid with appropriate ceremonies. Brother Edward M. R. Howe, commissioned by the Grand Lodge, officiated on this very memorable occasion.
Work progressed rapidly on the new structure and by September sufficient headway had been made that the problem of appropriate furnishings confronted the membership. Accordingly, at the September stated meeting, the Trustees were ordered to borrow sufficient capital with which to purchase the necessary equipment.
The new members of 1907 were:
By petition for degrees:
Everett S. Brown | Chas. C. Forbes | Howard Greer |
Chas. W. Heaton | Wm. H. Heaton | Edgar E. Watts |
Ross H. Whitinger |
By affiliation: Benjamin W. Heaton and Samuel C. Rosenberg