Petition to Join

Before you fill out a petiton, we encourage prospective members to review some of the questions about Masonry, as well as meet some of the current members and ask any additonal questions you may have. Use the form in the drop down below to work with the Membership Team to find the best time to introduce yourself in person!

Connect with someone from the Membership Team

Petition to Join Freemasonry

(New Members)

Download Petition Packet (PDF)
You (the petitioner) fill out the Petition for the Degrees of Masonry, and return it to your sponsors, who will present them to the Lodge. Your petition must be accompanied by your check or money order for the amount of the petitioning fee. 
Your sponsors will bring your petition to the next Stated Meeting (business meeting) of the Lodge, where it will be read aloud to the members present. If it is decided to receive your petition, a committee on character consisting of three Master Masons, members of this Lodge, will be appointed to meet with you. Your petition will lay over for one month until the next Stated Meeting of the Lodge. It will again be read aloud to the members present, and the committee on character will give their individual reports. Your petition will then be voted on in a secret ballot by the members present, who vote on your membership to the lodge. Your petition must receive a unanimous vote in order for you to be elected.
Petition Fee: $150
Background Check: $14.45 (Paid to the Background Check Company, not the Lodge)

Plural membership

Plural membership requires 2 forms: 16P and 15P.
Download the Plural Membership Packet (PDF)
Petition Fee: $30
Background Check: $14.45 (Paid to the Background Check Company, not the Lodge)

Transferring from an In-State Lodge (Indiana)

Transferring requires 3 forms: Form 16, Form 15, and Form 17.
Download the Transfer (In-State) Packet (PDF)
Petitioning Fee: $10
Background Check: $14.45 (Paid to the Background Check Company, not the Lodge)

Transferring from an Out-of-State Lodge

Transferring requires 3 forms: Form 16, Form 15, and Form 17A.
Download the Transfer (Out-of-State) Packet (PDF)
Petitioning Fee: $10
Background Check: $14.45 (Paid to the Background Check Company, not the Lodge)

Affiliation by Demit

Affiliating by Demit requires 1 form: Form 11
It also requires a demit from your lodge, certified by the Grand Secretary of your Jurisdiction if it is from outside of Indiana.
Download the Affiliation by Demit Packet (PDF)
Petitioning Fee: $10
Background Check: $14.45 (Paid to the Background Check Company, not the Lodge)


Broad Ripple Lodge #643 F&AM

WB Brian Ross

Worshipful Master Brian Ross

An excellent place to find some good and true life long friends.

WB Arlie Hartman

Past Master Arlie Hartman

Where fun and fellowship is had by good men.

WB Michael Walkup

Past Master WB Michael Walkup

I came to the lodge because I was looking for answers and found a family.

WB Lee Hargitt III

Past Master WB Lee Hargitt III

I have been a member here for many years. I have made some of my best friends in life at this Lodge

Why I Became a Worshipful Master

Why I Became a Worshipful Master

I joined a Masonic lodge to make new friends. In this day and age it can be difficult to develop constant predictable relationships with other people. In my life it seemed like every time I made a friend they ended up moving away, I lost interest or they were just too...

Master’s Welcome to 2022

Master’s Welcome to 2022

I want to welcome you to our website. I became a member of this lodge in an effort to connect with decent people. You will find good fellowship in our lodge.  –WM Ross

2019 Fall Festival

2019 Fall Festival

Between the baked potatoes, chili, and appetizers we had options for everyone to enjoy great food and fellowship. The chili was, of course, the star of the day with a wide spread of bubbling pots!

Meals at Broad Ripple

Meals at Broad Ripple

Broad Ripple Lodge
goes all out to deliver high-class restaurant-quality meals!
To check out more delicious meals by the Knife & Fork Committee, please feel free to come to dinner before one of our meetings, most Thursday nights at 6:30pm.