Congratulations to Arlie Hartman for obtaining the Roy E. Bates Reward for 2021. The Roy A. Bates Memorial Award is presented every year to a brother selected by the Worshipful Master as an Outstanding Mason in Broad Ripple Lodge.
Welcome to our First Entered Apprentice of 2022, Brother Jason Line! Welcome to Broad Ripple Lodge! Thank you to our Carmel brothers for their visitation.
Virtual Refreshment Zoom: Password: Check with a principal officer, or fellow member to get the Zoom password for this meeting. Virtual Refreshment isn’t officially used as much as it was in 2020 when the pandemic started,...
Broad Ripple Lodge holds it’s Stated Meetings on the 2nd Thursday of every month. Dinners are served at 6:30, and our meetings start at 7:30. For 2022, the stated meeting dates include: January 13th February 10th March 10th April 14th May 12th June 9th July 14th...